IDS 德国科隆 2019年3月世界牙科展会
IDS Cologne 2019: Leading dental trade fair
IDS 2019:全球领先的牙科行业交易会突显了其卓越的地位
IDS 2019在五天后于2019年3月16日在科隆结束,远远超过了国际行业的高度期望。因此,无可争议的全球领先的牙科行业交易会再次强调了其卓越的地位。这次活动能够复制上一次活动的出色成果,同时实现了雄心勃勃的目标,即在要约和需求中实现更高的国际性和更高的质量。因此,贸易展览会的结果使参展商和贸易参观者感到满意。来自64个国家/地区的2,327家公司参展,参展的数量又由20个供应商再次增加。他们与来自166个国家/地区的160,000多名贸易参观者聚集在一起。因此,游客总数增长了3.2%,而外贸游客的数量确实增长了6%。同时,展览面积扩大了百分之四以上,达到170,000平方米。
IDS 2019: Leading global trade fair of the dental industry underlines its outstanding position
Excellent results again – even more international and higher quality in both offer and demand
IDS 2019, which came to an end in Cologne on 16 March 2019 after five days, more than fulfilled the high expectations of the international industry. As such, the undisputed leading global trade fair of the dental industry once again underlined its exceptional position. The event was able to replicate the very good results of the previous event and at the same time realise the ambitious goals for more internationality and higher quality in the offer and demand. The outcome of the trade fair consequently led to satisfied exhibitors and trade visitors. With 2,327 companies from 64 countries, the number of exhibitors rose once again by good twenty suppliers. They came together with over 160,000 trade visitors from 166 countries. Hence, the overall number of visitors rose by 3.2 percent, the number of foreign trade visitors by 6 percent indeed. At the same time, the exhibition space expanded by over four percent up to 170,000 m².
德国牙科制造商协会主席Mark Stephen Pace VDDI:“口号“ IDS的运动员般公平竞赛”用六个词表达了这一领先交易会的优势:全面,国际上独一无二的报价以及行业非凡的高性能和创新实力,以及坚定的意愿所有市场参与者不断改进,并在直接竞争中寻求成功。每个想要在牙科行业取得成功的人都面临着科隆的性能比较。因此,IDS的国际水平同时具有巨大的规模也就不足为奇了。” Koelnmesse总裁兼首席执行官GeraldBöse补充说:“ IDS是属于自己的一类贸易展览会,始终树立新的基准。它设法一次又一次地超过上一届比赛的本已出色的成绩。参观者和参展商对IDS印象深刻,在科隆,仅在此范围内,以这种质量和这种国际水平提供供需。 IDS是牙科行业无可争议的领先全球贸易展览会。”
Mark Stephen Pace, Chairman of the Association of the German Dental Manufacturers e.V. VDDI: “The motto “The sportsmanlike fair competition of IDS” expressed in six words the strengths of this leading trade fair: The comprehensive and internationally unique offer as well as the extraordinary high performance and innovative strength of the industry, combined with the firm intention of all market players to improve continually and seek the success in the direct competition. Everyone, who wants to be successful in the dental industry, faces the performance comparison in Cologne. It is thus no surprise that the level of internationality of IDS has in the meantime taken on huge dimensions.” And Gerald Böse, President and Chief Executive Officer of Koelnmesse, added: “IDS is a trade fair event in a class of its own and always sets new benchmarks. It manages to surpass the already excellent result of the previous event every time again and again. The visitors and exhibitors are impressed by IDS, supply and demand are only provided in this scope, in this quality and with this level of internationality here in Cologne. IDS is the undisputed leading global trade fair for the dental industry.”
With advanced and continually updated equipment, LZQ owns the capability of producig & processing various kinds of precise tools. We can produce super-precise/super-long/super-wear-resistant/impact-resistant/high-complex combined profiling products, with perfect cutting quality and tolerance fine to ±0.0005mm(±0.5um),and what a high-efficiency & low-cost application we deliver you! We keep around RMB 20~30 Million turnover stock articles such as raw material, semi-finished products, finished products in ordinary year, we are capable to produce according to drawing or sample provided by customer and make a quick delivery, so as to present you a favorable cost-performance ratio...
LZQ often produces non-standard, special-shaped, high precision products which are difficult to machine in medium and big batch, but rarely in a small number for single dimension standard ones, because the cost of jig, fixture, mould and Super-hard grinding wheel is quite high, and if without the mould, it is difficult to make an excellent item. However, it depends on the type and the dimension of the required products. Besides, in our company, the cost of standard products and that of the non-standard is similar, such as ?12.0 and ?12.218, but it is not for other companys, like Sandvik, Widia.This is why we are competitive in producing special, non-standard, special-shape goods. However, regarding to a big order, we also produce the standard products. But the cost-performance ratio and the competition are quite low, and also profit of the sale is lower for your company.
官方数据证实了IDS出色的国际化水平:来自64个国家的73%的参展商来自国外,以及来自阿根廷,巴西和智利,日本,韩国,埃及和其他国家166个国家的62%的参观者。南非,澳大利亚和新西兰,整个欧洲到美国和加拿大。因此,原籍国的数目再次增加了6%。 IDS 2019记录了来自亚洲(+ 23.1%),东欧(+ 19.6%),非洲(+ 17%),中南美洲(+ 14.6%)和北美(+ 5.3%)的访客人数的显着增长。
但是,不仅IDS 2019的参展商特别赞赏访客的国际水平和人数。在许多展览摊位上,有人听到IDS最重要的一点就是相信访客的高品质。一项独立调查证实了这种印象:通过这种方式,今年IDS的访客中有80%以上参与了采购决策,实际上有32%是决定性的。外国访客的决策能力甚至更高-超过49%的人表示,他们对采购决策负有自主责任。在展位上,据报道来自世界各地的该行业的所有职业群体都在场。根据调查,最大的群体来自牙科诊所,牙科实验室,牙科贸易和牙科行业,但学校和大学也有很强的代表性。几乎30%的受访者是董事会成员,公司或工厂经理。
The dental world does business at IDS
The official figures confirm the excellent level of internationality at IDS: 73 percent of the exhibitors from 64 countries came from abroad, as well as 62 percent of the visitors from 166 countries – from Argentina, Brazil and Chile, to Japan, Korea, Egypt and South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, the whole of Europe through to the USA and Canada. The number of countries of origin thus increased once again by 6 percent. IDS 2019 recorded significant growth in the number of visitors from Asia (+23.1 percent), Eastern Europe (+19.6 percent), Africa (+17 percent), Central and South America (+14.6 percent) and North America (+5.3 percent).
However, not only the level of internationality and quantity of the visitors was particularly praised by the exhibitors of IDS 2019. At many exhibition stands one heard that IDS above all convinced with the high quality of its visitors. An independent survey confirms this impression: In this way, over 80 percent of the visitors at this year’s IDS are involved in procurement decisions, indeed 32 percent of them decisively. The decision-making competence among the foreign visitors is even higher – over 49 percent stated that they are autonomously responsible for the procurement decisions. At the stands one reported that all of the occupational groups of the industry from all over the globe were present. According to the survey, the largest groups came from the dental practices, dental laboratories, dental trade and from the dental industry, but schools and universities were also strongly represented. Almost 30 percent of the respondents are either board members, company or plant managers.
几乎80%的参观者对展览的种类感到满意或非常满意。 93%的人说,他们会推荐一个很好的熟人来访问IDS。 百分之七十的受访者已经计划在2021年参观下一个IDS。VDDI首席执行官Markus Heibach博士也对展会闭幕表示满意: 对于我们来说,参展商是我们努力为宾客提供国际化,热情好客和完善服务的最佳保证,令人印象深刻。”
Almost 80 percent of the visitors were satisfied or very satisfied with the range of exhibition offerings. Good 93 percent said that they would recommend a good business acquaintance to visit IDS. And 70 percent of the respondents are already planning to visit the next IDS in 2021. Dr. Markus Heibach, CEO of the VDDI, was also correspondingly pleased when the trade fair came to a close: “The high level of satisfaction of our trade visitors and exhibitors is for us the impressive confirmation of our efforts to make our guests’ stay as pleasant and successful as possible by offering them a cosmopolitan, hospitable and perfect service.”
IDS的光芒使它成为理想的商业平台,尤其是对于希望通过高质量创新建立自己的牙科市场上的新公司而言。澳大利亚初创公司首席执行官兼董事总经理史蒂夫·普拉科塔里斯(Steve Plakotaris)马克博士的HyGenie证实了这一点:“作为全球首个具有全球品牌潜力的口腔卫生创新,首次亮相本公司和可移动口腔用具卫生产品系列是非常有意义的在全球最大,最繁忙的牙科行业展示会上。尽管是一家规模不大的澳大利亚初创企业,但我们在IDS感到宾至如归,其结果超出了我们的所有预期。每天每个小时都在建立联系,联系和新朋友。我们期待在IDS2021预订我们的位置。”
贸易商和用户对创新产品和技术都非常感兴趣。 IDS 2019的重点在于用于改进数字工作流程和添加剂生产的产品和系统,新的预防配方和填充材料,创新的口腔内扫描仪和植入物设计以及用于实验室管理的灵活工作流程。
High interest in innovations
The radiance of IDS makes it the ideal business platform especially for new companies on the dental market, which want to establish themselves with high-quality innovations. Steve Plakotaris, CEO & Managing Director of the Australian start-up, Dr. Mark’s HyGenie, confirmed this: “As a world first oral hygiene innovation, with global brand potential, it made perfect sense to debut our company and removable oral appliance hygiene range at the world’s biggest and busiest dental industry showcase. Despite being a small Australian start-up, we have felt right at home at IDS and the results have exceeded all our expectations. Contacts, connections and new friends are being made every hour of every day. We look forward to booking our place at IDS2021.”
The trade and the users were extremely interested in innovative products and technologies. The focus of IDS 2019 lay on products and systems for improved digital workflows and the additive production, new prophylaxis formulas and filling materials, innovative intraoral scanners and implant designs as well as flexible workflows for the management of the laboratory.
BZÄK和VDZI取得了积极的平衡:“国际牙科展览会(IDS)是一种现象:这种气氛是如此国际化,渴望知识和开放,今年又一次非常鼓舞人心。数字化可以改善实践的工作流程,但不应非严格或仓促地实施。”德国牙科协会(BZÄK)主席Peter Engel博士说,并强调了牙科行业作为工作驱动力的重要性。卫生部门。牙科是重要的雇主和经济因素。”本地牙医平均雇用4至5名雇员。受过训练的牙科员工是每项牙科实践的核心-没有他们,这种实践是行不通的。因此,技术娴熟的牙科员工需要认可,灵感和知识。”
“国际牙科展览会(IDS)是一种现象:这种气氛是如此国际化,渴求知识和开放,以至于今年再次令人非常振奋。数字化可以改善实践的工作流程,但不应非严格或仓促地实施。”德国牙科协会(BZÄK)主席Peter Engel博士说,并强调了牙科行业作为工作驱动力的重要性。卫生部门。牙科是重要的雇主和经济因素。”本地牙医平均雇用4至5名雇员。受过训练的牙科员工是每项牙科实践的核心-没有他们,这种实践是行不通的。因此,技术娴熟的牙科员工需要认可,灵感和知识。”
BZÄK and VDZI draw a positive balance: “The International Dental Show (IDS) is a phenomenon: The atmosphere is so international, thirsty for knowledge and open that it is was simply very inspiring once again this year. The digitalisation can improve the workflows of the practices, but shouldn’t be implemented noncritically or too hastily,” said Dr. Peter Engel, President of the German Dental Association (BZÄK) and underlined the significance of the dental industry as a job driver in the health sector. Dentistry is a significant employer and economic factor.” A local dentist employs between four and five employees on average. Trained dental employees are the heart of every dental practice – without them a practice wouldn’t work. Good skilled dental employees therefore require recognition as well as inspiration and know-how.”
“The International Dental Show (IDS) is a phenomenon: The atmosphere is so international, thirsty for knowledge and open that it is was simply very inspiring once again this year. The digitalisation can improve the workflows of the practices, but shouldn’t be implemented noncritically or too hastily,” said Dr. Peter Engel, President of the German Dental Association (BZÄK) and underlined the significance of the dental industry as a job driver in the health sector. Dentistry is a significant employer and economic factor.” A local dentist employs between four and five employees on average. Trained dental employees are the heart of every dental practice – without them a practice wouldn’t work. Good skilled dental employees therefore require recognition as well as inspiration and know-how.”
牙科技师也是如此。 德国牙科技术员协会主席Dominik Kruchen总结如下:“国际牙科展览会展示了数字牙科世界正在以怎样的速度发展。 人们必须权衡风险,认识到自己的机会,并根据良好的判断做出投资决定。” 在对牙科实验室的作用的讨论中,作为牙科修复专家的牙科技术大师及其团队是不可替代的。 在与牙医的密切交流下,他们的专业知识(例如在选择和使用不同材料方面)确保为患者提供个性化服务。 训练有素的年轻专业人员对于强大的牙科技术人员行业至关重要。 训练有素的年轻牙科技术学徒再次在今年的IDS Gysi奖比赛中展示了他们的技能。”
The same also applies for dental technicians. Dominik Kruchen, President of the German Dental Technicians Guild, summed up as follows: “The International Dental Show demonstrated at what speed the digital dental world is developing. One has to weigh up the risks, recognise one’s own chances and take investment decisions based on good judgement.” In the discussion about the role of the dental laboratories, master dental technicians and their teams are irreplaceable as experts in the provision of dental restoration, Kruchen added. In close exchange with the dentists, their expertise, for example regarding the selection and implementation of different materials, ensures an individual offer for patients. “Well-trained young professionals are important for a strong dental technician trade. The highly trained young dental technology apprentices once again impressively demonstrated their skills at this year’s IDS in the scope of the Gysi Prize Competition.”
遵循传统,BZÄK援助组织会议也在IDS举行。 它是牙科援助项目和个人交流的思想之源。 目前,BZÄK网络中约有60个牙科援助项目和组织,其主要目的是提供互助和交流。 这些项目以各种方式在国内外提供援助和支持:在德国,许多牙医都非常致力于在空闲时间帮助处于社会贫困或处于紧急状况的人们。 他们对待没有医疗保险的人,或者以实物或金钱形式向援助组织提供支持。 许多牙科援助组织还宣称自己参与国际项目,并在紧急人道主义局势或自然灾害后提供帮助,它们在危机地区提供援助或在当地为患者提供牙科治疗。
Social commitment of the dentists
Following tradition, the BZÄK Conference of the Aid Organisations also took place at IDS. It is a source of ideas for dental aid projects and for the personal exchange. Around 60 dental aid projects and organisations are currently represented among the BZÄK network, the essential aim of which is to provide mutual assistance and an exchange. The projects provide aid and support in manifold ways at home as well as worldwide: In Germany many dentists are very committed to helping people who are socially deprived or in emergency situations in their free time. They treat people without health insurance or offer the aid organisation support in the form of donations in kind or money. Many dental aid organisations also assert themselves for international projects and help in acute humanitarian situations or after natural catastrophes, they provide assistance in crisis regions or offer the patients dental treatment locally.
IDS 2019数据
在IDS 2019上,总展览面积为170,000平方米(2017年:163,000平方米),来自64个国家的2,327家公司参展(2017年:来自60个国家的2,305家公司)。其中包括来自德国的610家参展商和18家其他代理公司(2017年:624家参展商和20家其他代理公司),以及1,650家参展商和49家来自国外的其他代理公司(2017年:1617家参展商和44家其他代理公司)。外国参展商的份额为73%(2017:72%)。包括博览会最后一天的估计在内,来自166个国家的160,000多名贸易参观者参加了IDS(2017:来自156个国家的155,000贸易参观者),其中约62%(2017:60%)来自国外。
IDS(国际牙科展)每两年在科隆举行一次,由德国牙科制造商协会(VDDI)的商业企业GFDI Gesellschaft zurFörderungder Dental-Industrie mbH组织,由科隆的Koelnmesse GmbH主办。
IDS 2019 in figures
At IDS 2019, on a gross exhibition area of 170,000 m² (2017: 163,000 m²), 2,327 companies from 64 countries participated (2017: 2,305 companies from 60 countries). These included 610 exhibitors and 18 additionally represented companies from Germany (2017: 624 exhibitors and 20 additionally represented companies) as well as 1,650 exhibitors and 49 additionally represented companies from abroad (2017: 1,617 exhibitors and 44 additionally represented companies). The share of foreign exhibitors was 73 percent (2017: 72 percent). Including estimates for the last day of the fair, over 160,000 trade visitors from 166 countries attended IDS (2017: 155,000 trade visitors from 156 countries), approximately 62 percent of whom (2017: 60 percent) came from abroad.*
*The figures relating to visitors, exhibitors and exhibition space for this trade fair were determined and certified according to the standardised definitions used by the Society for Voluntary Control of Fair and Exhibition Statistics (FKM).
The next IDS – the 39th International Dental Show – is scheduled to take place from 9 to 13 March 2021.
About IDS
IDS (International Dental Show) takes place in Cologne every two years and is organised by the GFDI Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Dental-Industrie mbH, the commercial enterprise of the Association of German Dental Manufacturers (VDDI) and is staged by Koelnmesse GmbH, Cologne.
Source: © IDS Cologne
IDS is the leading global trade fair for the dental community, which ensures sustainable success as a platform for innovation and market trends.
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