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常年備存原材料、半成品、成品2000萬 ~ 3000萬RMB周转的在庫品,依圖依樣現生產,具有極強的性價比……欢迎实地指导。
具有极为优秀的抗冲击性能和一般的耐磨耗性能。一般用于较差或普通的设备加工较低硬度的材料(HRC≤25°)、间断切削和很差的零件夹紧。相应ISO K25,可替代M42、ASP60、MPM、HSSCo10等材料的加工,并可取得4~6倍左右的使用寿命。具有极强的性价比。相应SKH51具有15~25倍的使用寿命及耐用度。
具有极为优秀的耐磨耗性能及理想的抗冲击性能。适用于HRC25°~48°各类材料的高速低进给加工,调质材料的理想加工刀具,泛用性好;相应一般钨钢,具有2~4倍以上的使用寿命。一般用于良好稳定的工况、良好的零件夹紧及持续高速轻型的切削加工。涂层后效果极佳,可加工至HRC60°的各类材料,相应(ISO P15~P30/K15~K30 )常用于CNC数控设备加工各类高温合金、耐热合金、镍钒钛合金铸铁、不锈钢等难加工材料(含镍、Cr、Mo、硅、钛等)热处理前及调质后的特优秀加工工具。高温加工及综合性能极好,允许切削速度极高(一般线速度为120M以上),进给量要求低些,加工材料的硬度越高,效果越显著。由于韧性差些,不适合于断续切削或在工艺系统刚性不足及有微震动、跳动的条件下使用,否则易打刀或崩刃。
monocrystal saw blades,alloy round saw blade
Super-hard processing of professional, special, non-standard, special shaped and new products with any kind, any shape and tolerance.
※If you have any similar inquiry, please fax us your address or call us to get samples in the photos and related catalogue for your reference (only a small amount is allowed). ※
We keep around RMB 20~30 Million turnover stock articles such as raw material ,semi- products, finished products in ordinary year , we are capable to produce according to drawing or sample provided by customer, so as to present you a favorable cost-performance ratio…Welcome to visit our factory。
Our company supplies every kind of solid ultra micro-grain quality carbide sliiting cutter with different tooth shape such as direct tooth, radius tooth, staggered tooth, high-low tooth, semi-circle keyboard milling cutter, T-type slot milling cuttter, angle milling cutter, HSS cutting miilling cutter, side and face milling cutter. Those products are widely used in glass accessories, bicycle parts, watches and etc of light machinery industry. They have great advantage in quick cutting efficiency, high wear resistance and high hardness. We can control thickness tolerance in 5μm ,outer diameter tolerance in 0.03mm, side runout in 5μm and surface roughnss in 0.4μm. Those are used in a few pcs together, and have very high precision.
“A” tooth: straight tooth (ratched type)
It is mainly applied in finish milling and cutting. Its milling and cutting depth is shallow, about 3~5mm.
“AW” tooth: it is improved one based on “A” tooth. Tooth profile is left and right single inclined type. Its tooth function is same as that of “A” tooth, but its efficiency is higher.
“B” tooth: curved tooth (cam-generated type)
Tooth profile is bending flat tooth, mainly applied to cut deep groove. The cutting resistance is stronger than “A” tooth and the groove is deeper.
“BW” tooth: curved tooth (alternately beveled)
Tooth profile is left and right single inclined bending flat tooth, the improved one based on “B” tooth, mainly applied to cut thicker material of abnormal profile, with stronger cutting resistance, applied for general cross-cutting saw.
“C” tooth: “HI-LO” tooth (three-tooth regrinding; rough and finish tooth machining)
Its tooth profile is high and low ladder tooth profile. The difference between front and back tooth is 0.15±0.3mm. The front tooth is double-bevel, and the back tooth is flat. Its cutting efficiency is high, and can reduce cutting force when assisting in cutting saw.
“BR tooth: it is latest improved design of “B” tooth, with a fine cutting groove of about 0.4mm at the top of tooth. Its function is to re-break waste materials from cutting and sawing work pieces and to increase discharge rate, so that comparing with “BW” tooth, its cutting and sawing efficiency increases by 25%.
ASP60A :
imported ultra high wear-resistant high-grade high cobalt powder steel, quenched:HRC70°±2°, with excellent wear resistance and impact resistance. Comparing with HSSE\HSS-AL and HSSCo, it has 4~8 times lifetime, and can guarantee uniformity and conformity rate of machined products. It is often applied in general equipment for machining various materials including Ni\Cr\Mo\Si\Ti) that are hard to machine like high alloy\heat-resistant alloy\cast iron of nickel-vanadium-titanium alloy\stainless steel. It is excellent machining tool before heat treatment. It has excellent high temperature machining and comprehensive performance, and allows higher cutting speed. The higher the hardness of machined materials, the more remarkable the effect. Because its roughness is not so good, it is not suitable for discontinuous cutting or for using under processing system of insufficient rigidity, otherwise, cutter will be hit or chipping will happen.
Imported ultra micro-grain diamond tungsten steel, with excellent impact-resistance and general wear-resistance. Generally applied in worse or general equipment to machine materials of lower hardness (HRC≤25°), discontinuous cutting and worse part fixture. Conforming to ISO K25, can replace machining of materials like M42, ASP60, MPM, HSSCo10 etc, and can get 4-6 times lifetime, it has higher performance/price ration. Comparing with SKH51, it has 15-25 times lifetime and durability.
ultra micro-grain quality carbide, has excellent wear resistance, but its impact resistance is not so good. It is applicable for medium and low speed cutting of high hardness materials(HRC45°-65°) requiring thermal refining and quenching or for various materials having higher wear resistance and non-ferrous metal. Generally it is applied in good working condition\stable cutting\excellent part fixing and continuous light machining. Corresponding to ISO K10.
We adopt various business cooperation mode either royalty or part-time, and media promotion at different time period, as well as technical support and wholesale to middle-scale or large-scale enterprises or agency, even OEM processing as per customers' requirements. From high-class products (via 6-axis/ 7-axis Blocking CNC-machine Tool (Class-AAA))to medium-class products (via 3-axis/ 4-axis Blocking CNC-machine Tool (Class-D)), different quality and price, our reliable products can replace to first-class products, and we are professional in wholesale, R&D, producing & processing, as well as design revision according to client's designs and samples of special, non-standard, abnormal shape and new products with high cost-performance ratio, also our on-demand service will decrease your comprehensive cost greatly!
Referencing to the page footer, please provide your sample and specify the detailed specification, material type, size tolerance, drawing of semi-product and finished product, applied equipment, equipment value (RMB, to judge its market value is rigid or floating), monthly consumed quantity, type of original product and its deficiency, when you make inquiry. What is the processed material and its HRC? Work piece drawing and notes, and please supply us new and old bestperformed samples.
Samples: Is it easy to blunt or break or other problems?
LZQ is possessed of cutting-edge & comprehensive production system, as well as rich producing & machining capability with different precision technology, so as to realize high efficiency application.